

Czy idea coworkingu sprawdza się w Polsce?

Czy idea coworkingu sprawdza się w Polsce?
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The Members: Who Works in Coworking Spaces?

Results of the Global Coworking Survey 2017 will give you some answers.
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In 2017 started operating in Poland. What is that?

Shared offices change the labor market. In Poland there are already nearly 200 coworking spaces ...
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The 10 best London coworking spaces

See how the coworking spaces look in London
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More Than One Million People Will Work in Coworking Spaces in 2017

More coworking spaces, more members… These basic forecasts for 2017 are straightforward. The interesting findings of the Global Coworking Survey, compared with previous years, are once more shown in detail.
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The 5 best Warsaw coworking spaces

Which are the best? It all depends on what we are looking for. For some it is silence and peace, and for others the possibility of free exchange of contacts, meeting people and widening the horizons. Here are 5 suggestions:
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Cafeteria or coworking space?

I have an idea, I am developing a startup. I often meet with my mates, officially for sponsors called business partners. Where do we work...
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Startup Weekend Kids

Children will study in the weekend in Poznan... how to do modern business and to inspire learning programming and other digital competences.
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What makes coworking so popular (infographics)?

Coworking is not only a place for effective work in a creative community. It is also possible to reorganize our lives, and in particular get a 'work-life' balance.
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Deskmag - 2016 Coworking Forecast

This year’s forecast and trends of the coworking market doesn’t differ strongly from past years according to new results of the Global Coworking Survey.
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19 signs your coworkers secretly hate you

Something about relations :)
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Would you rent out your home as an office workspace?

I'm writing this feature on my laptop sitting at a kitchen table in a stranger's home.
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Coworking. Could it work for you?

Jeśli do prowadzenia własnej, jednoosobowej firmy wystarcza Ci laptop, prawdopodobnie nie będziesz zainteresowany wynajęciem biura. Niestety, praca w domu rozprasza i sprawia, że trudno oddzielić czas prywatny od zajęć biznesowych. Co więc robić? Rozwiązaniem w takiej sytuacji może być coworking. Centra coworkingowe wynajmują przestrzeń biurową. Robią to jednak inaczej niż dzieje się to w tradycyjnym modelu wynajmu nieruchomości. Przedmiotem transakcji jest tu bowiem… biurko, a właściwie dostęp do niego oraz do sprzętów biurowych, z których wspólnie korzystać mogą wszyscy klienci. Mówiąc w skrócie, możesz zarezerwować nie cały lokal, ale miejsce do pracy na tyle godzin w miesiącu, na ile będzie Ci to potrzebne.
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How Coworking Helped an Education Accelerator

People tend to ask me, “What makes AlleyNYC different from other coworking spaces?”
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Czy coworking zastąpi pracę w domu...

PulsHR analizuje rynek wynajmowanych biurek. Prognozy na 2020r.
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14 great holiday gifts to get for your coworkers

You may spend the majority of your life with these people, but that doesn't necessarily make shopping for your coworkers any easier.
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What Coworking Can Really Do For You

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7 Tips for Creating Your Own Co-working Space

There are many benefits of joining a co-work space, and they are becoming widely accepted and utilized around the country. But what if you cannot find a space that suits you or is near you?
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A Number One Hit: Coworking for Musicians

The inspiration to launch Cohere Coworking came from the desire to give a happy ending to a sad story.
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What's the Top Benefit of Co-Working Spaces?

Co-working spaces have become popular worldwide, affording startups instant networking opportunities and camaraderie, as well as the intangible benefit of what I call "assisted serendipity:" a multitude of unexpected encounters that are difficult to recreate in traditional office settings and provide nearly immeasurable amounts of value for new businesses.
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Coworking takes Poland by storm! -

Studioprzylea na liście polecanych przez JOBkralle biur coworkingowych w Polsce.
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Coworking, czyli praca w biurze bez biura

Przyjemny tekst o coworkingu w bardzo kobiecym serwisie iWoman
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Zapraszamy do lektury artykułu o coworkingu na stronie CITTRU.
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Coworking a piramida potrzeb Masłowa

Tekst opracowany na podstawie francuskiego artykułu "La Pyramide de Maslow du coworking".
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Biurko do wynajęcia

"Biurko do wynajęcia" w magazynie PKP Intercity "W podróży"
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"Koniec z domowym szlafrokiem, czyli biurko do wynajęcia"

Pani Katarzyna Klimek-Michno pisze o nas na łamach Dziennika Polskiego.
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"Zbiórka przy biurkach"

Artykuł o coworkingu w "Twoim Stylu"
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PC World

"Coworking - ułatwienie w pracy freelancerów"
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"Czy czeka nas era coworkingu?"
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"Wynajmę biurko do pracy czyli o coraz modniejszym w Polsce - coworkingu"
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"Nie chcą laptopów w kawiarniach"
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Portal z branży biurowej

"Nowe trendy zalewają polskie przyzwyczajenia"
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